Wheel Throwing workshops

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“Hello, everyone,

As I sit down to write this post, I find myself reflecting on a journey that has been both challenging and deeply meaningful. For those who have known me, some of this may sound repetitive, but for others who may not be familiar with my background, I want to share a bit about where it all began.

I was born in Mexico and raised in the United States, but my path to where I am today has been far from straightforward. From late 2015 until now, I’ve grappled with questions of identity and purpose more intensely than ever before.

Immigrating to the United States wasn’t a simple process for me. I was brought over undocumented, and the experience of living in the shadows has left a lasting impact on me. While my older siblings were documented, I was not, which added another layer to the complexities of my upbringing. Additionally, the loss of my father at a young age further shaped my understanding of life and its challenges.

Through it all, art has been my anchor, providing solace and a means of expression during the most trying times. As I processed the effects of my immigration experience and navigated the complexities of loss, my artistic journey took on new meaning, evolving alongside my personal growth.

Now, after a hiatus of several years, I find myself returning to my artwork with renewed passion and purpose. The decision to relaunch my website and restart my artistic endeavors stems not from a desire for grandiosity, but from a deep-seated need to reconnect with my creative spirit and share my journey with others.

In conclusion, my journey as an artist is not about garnering attention or accolades. It’s about staying true to myself and allowing my work to evolve organically. By sharing my story, I hope to connect with others who may resonate with my experiences.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Warm regards,

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